Creates a new Rebar object; can also be called as
PARENT->AddRebar(%OPTIONS). Class specific %OPTIONS
-bandborders => 0/1 (default 0) display a border to separate bands. -fixedorder => 0/1 (default 0) band position cannot be swapped. -imagelist => Win32::GUI::ImageList object -varheight => 0/1 (default 1) display bands using the minimum required height.
Returns the number of bands in the Rebar control.
Deletes the zero-based INDEX band from the Rebar.
Inserts a new band in the Rebar control. Allowed
-index => position or -1 to add it at the end, default -1
-image => index of an image from the associated ImageList
-bitmap => Win32::GUI::Bitmap object
-child => child control
-foreground => COLOR
-background => COLOR
-width => pixels
-minwidth => pixels
-minheight => pixels
-text => string
Sent when the height of the Rebar control has changed.