(* -*- mode: sml -*-
 * $Id: hash2.smlnj,v 1.3 2001/07/10 13:01:54 doug Exp $
 * http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
 * Modified by Daniel Wang

structure Test : sig
    val main : (string * string list) -> OS.Process.status
end = struct

open HashTable;

fun hashtest2 n =
    exception NotFound
    val h1 = mkTable (HashString.hashString, op =) (10000, NotFound)
    val h2 = mkTable (HashString.hashString, op =) (10000, NotFound)
    fun doinserts1 i =
        if i < 10000 then (
        insert h1 ("foo_" ^ (Int.toString i), i);
        doinserts1 (i+1)
        ) else ()
    fun addinto h k v1 =
        case find h k of
        SOME valref => valref := (!valref) + v1
          | NONE => insert h (k, ref v1)
    fun doinserts2 i =
        if i < n then (
        appi (fn (k,v) => (addinto h2 k v)) h1;
        doinserts2 (i+1)
        ) else ()
    in (
    doinserts1 0;
    doinserts2 0;
    print (Int.toString (lookup h1 "foo_1")); print " ";
    print (Int.toString (lookup h1 "foo_9999")); print " ";
    print (Int.toString (!(lookup h2 "foo_1"))); print " ";
    print (Int.toString (!(lookup h2 "foo_9999")));
    print "\n"
    ) end;

fun atoi s = case Int.fromString s of SOME num => num | NONE => 0;

fun main(name, args) = 
    val arg = hd(args @ ["1"])
    val num = atoi arg
    hashtest2 num;

val _ = SMLofNJ.exportFn("hash2", Test.main);