#!/usr/local/bin/pike// -*- mode: pike -*-
// $Id: lists.pike,v 1.2 2000/12/05 16:04:06 doug Exp $
// http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
// from: Per Hedbor

#define SIZE 10000

#define TB(X) werror( "%s: %.2f\n", X, gauge {
#define TE()  })

int test_lists()
    mixed Li1, Li2, Li3;
    // create a list of integers from 1 to SIZE.
    Li1 = (string)indices(allocate(SIZE+1))[1..];
    // copy the list to Li2.
    Li2 = copy_value( Li1 );
    // remove each element from left side of Li2 and append to
    // the right side of Li3 (preserving order)
    Li3 = "";

    while( sizeof( Li2 ) )
    Li3 += Li2[..0];
    Li2 = Li2[1..];
    // Li2 is now empty.
    // Remove each element from right side of Li3 and append to right
    // side of Li2
    while( sizeof( Li3 ) )
    Li2 += Li3[sizeof( Li3 )-1..];
    Li3 = Li3[..sizeof( Li3 )-2];
    // Li2 is now reversed, and Li3 empty.
    // Reverse Li1 in place.
    Li1 = reverse( Li1 );
    if( Li1[0] != SIZE )
    return 0;
    // compare Li1 and Li2 for equality, and return the length of the list.
    if( equal( Li1, Li2 ) )
    return sizeof( Li1 );
    return 0;

void main(int argc, array argv)
    int result, num = (int)argv[-1];
    if( num <=  0 )
    num = 1;
    while( num-- )
    result = test_lists();
    write("%d\n", result );