-- $Id: moments.gnat,v 1.0 2003/06/11 12:08:00 dada Exp $
-- http://dada.perl.it/shootout/
-- Ada 95 code by C.C.

-- Annotated Ada Reference Manual ISO/IEC 8652:1995: http://www.ada-auth.org/

with System, Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation, Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Moments is
   type Real is digits Positive'Max (15, System.Max_Digits);
   package AF is new
         Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (Float_Type => Real);
   package Io renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package Rio is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Num => Real);
   procedure Put (Item : Real; Fore : Io.Field := 0; Aft : Io.Field := 6;
                  Exp : Io.Field := 0) renames Rio.Put;

       type Item_Type is private;      --  Component type of array to be sorted
       with function "<=" (X, Y : Item_Type) return Boolean;
       type Sequence is array (Integer range <>) of Item_Type;
   package Sort_Pkg is
      procedure Quick_Sort (S : in out Sequence);
   end Sort_Pkg;  --  Copied from Southampton Ada MPICH supercomputer bindings

   package body Sort_Pkg is
      procedure Quick_Sort (S : in out Sequence) is
         procedure Sort_Recursive (Lwb, Upb : Integer) is
            Pivot    : Item_Type := S (Upb);
            Front    : Integer := Lwb;
            Back     : Integer := Upb;
            Temp     : Item_Type;
            if Lwb < Upb then
               while  (Front <= Back)  loop
                  while not  (Pivot <= S (Front)) loop
                     Front := Front + 1;
                  end loop;
                  while not  (S (Back) <= Pivot) loop
                     Back := Back - 1;
                  end loop;
                  if Front <= Back then
                     Temp := S (Front);
                     S (Front) := S (Back);
                     S (Back) := Temp;
                     Front := Front + 1;
                     Back  := Back - 1;
                  end if;
               end loop;
               Sort_Recursive (Lwb, Back);
               Sort_Recursive (Front, Upb);
            end if;
         end Sort_Recursive;
         Sort_Recursive (S'First, S'Last);
      end Quick_Sort;
   end Sort_Pkg;

   type Real_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Real;
   type Real_Array_Ptr is access Real_Array;
   procedure Deallocate_Real_Array is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (
                  Object => Real_Array, Name => Real_Array_Ptr);
   package Sort is new Sort_Pkg (Real, "<=" => "<=", Sequence => Real_Array);

   Data           : Real_Array_Ptr := new Real_Array (1 .. 0);
   Temp_Array     : Real_Array_Ptr;
   Dev, D_2, Mean, Median     : Real;
   Standard_Deviation         : Real;
   Sum, Avg_Abs_Deviation     : Real := 0.0;
   Variance, Skew, Kurtosis   : Real := 0.0;
   M              : Natural := 0;
   while not Io.End_Of_File loop
      M := M + 1;
      if M > Data'Last then                  --  Lengthen array of strings
         Temp_Array := new Real_Array (
                        1 .. 4 + Positive (Real'Ceiling (1.70 * Real (M))));
         Temp_Array (Data'Range) := Data.all;
         Deallocate_Real_Array (Data);
         Data := Temp_Array;     --  Replace the old array with the new one
      end if;
      Rio.Get (Item => Data (M));      -- Read  numbers between whitespace
      Sum := Sum + Data (M);
   end loop;
   Mean := Sum / Real (M);
   for K in 1 .. M loop
      Dev := Data (K) - Mean;
      Avg_Abs_Deviation := Avg_Abs_Deviation + abs Dev;
      D_2 := Dev * Dev;
      Variance := Variance + D_2;
      Skew := Skew + (D_2 * Dev);
      Kurtosis := Kurtosis + (D_2 * D_2);
   end loop;
   Avg_Abs_Deviation := Avg_Abs_Deviation / Real (M);
   Variance := Variance / Real (M - 1);
   Standard_Deviation := AF.Sqrt (Variance);
   if Variance < 10.0 * Real'Model_Epsilon then
      Io.Put_Line ("> Reduced accuracy results: 0 = ((Variance/10 + 1) - 1)");
      Skew := Skew / (Real (M) * Variance * Standard_Deviation);
      Kurtosis := -3.0 + Kurtosis / (Real (M) * Variance * Variance);
   end if;
   Sort.Quick_Sort (S => Data (1 .. M));
   if 1 = (M mod 2) then
      Median := Data ((M + 1) / 2);
      Median := (Data (M / 2) + Data (1 + M / 2)) / 2.0;
   end if;
   Io.Put_Line ("n:                 " & Integer'Image (M));
   Io.Put ("median:             "); Put (Median);              Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("mean:               "); Put (Mean);                Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("average_deviation:  "); Put (Avg_Abs_Deviation);   Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("standard_deviation: "); Put (Standard_Deviation);  Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("variance:           "); Put (Variance);            Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("skew:               "); Put (Skew);                Io.New_Line;
   Io.Put ("kurtosis:           "); Put (Kurtosis);            Io.New_Line;
end Moments;