(* -*- mode: sml -*-
 * $Id: sieve.smlnj,v 1.8 2001/08/20 01:11:11 doug Exp $
 * http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
 * with help from Dan Wang

structure Test : sig
    val main : (string * string list) -> OS.Process.status
end = struct
structure WA = Word8Array
val flags  = WA.array (8193, 0w0)

fun init() = let
  fun loop i =
    if i < 8193 then (WA.update(flags,i,0w1);loop(i+1))
    else ()
in loop 2

fun do_elts(i,count) =
  if i < 8193 then
    if WA.sub(flags,i) = 0w1 then let
      fun loop k = 
    if k < 8193 then (WA.update(flags,k,0w0);loop(k+i))
    else ()
    in loop (i + i) ; do_elts(i + 1,count + 1)
    else do_elts(i + 1, count)
  else count

fun repeat 0 = (init (); do_elts(2,0))
  | repeat n = (init (); do_elts(2,0);repeat(n-1))

fun printl [] = print "\n" | printl(h::t) = ( print h ; printl t )
fun atoi s = case Int.fromString s of SOME num => num | NONE => 0

fun main(name, param_list) =  let
    val arg = hd(param_list @ ["1"]);
    val num = atoi arg
    val count = repeat num 
    in  printl ["Count: ", Int.toString count];

val _ = SMLofNJ.exportFn("sieve", Test.main);