 * $Id: wc.ocaml,v 1.7 2001/05/25 22:33:22 doug Exp $
 * http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
 * based on code by Cuihtlauac ALVARADO and Markus Mottl

let nl = ref 0
let nw = ref 0
let nc = ref 0
let max = 4096
let buf = String.create max

let readblock scanfun =
  let nread = input stdin buf 0 max in
  if nread = 0 then () else
  begin nc := !nc + nread; scanfun 0 nread end

let rec scan_out_of_word i n =
  if i < n then
    match buf.[i] with
    | '\n'     -> incr nl; scan_out_of_word (i+1) n
    | ' '|'\t' ->          scan_out_of_word (i+1) n
    | _        -> incr nw; scan_in_word (i+1) n
    readblock scan_out_of_word

and scan_in_word i n =
  if i < n then
    match buf.[i] with
    | '\n'     -> incr nl; scan_out_of_word (i+1) n
    | ' '|'\t' ->          scan_out_of_word (i+1) n
    | _        ->          scan_in_word (i+1) n
    readblock scan_in_word

let _ =
  scan_out_of_word 0 0;
  Printf.printf "%d %d %d\n" !nl !nw !nc