-- $Id: matrix.ghc,v 1.3 2001/06/01 17:56:49 doug Exp $
-- http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
-- from Julian Assange

-- TBD: try rewrite with STUArray or IOUArray?

module Main(main) where
import System(getArgs, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import Numeric(readDec)
import List(transpose)
main = do
       arg <- getArgs
       case arg of
            [number] -> putStrLn (disp m 0 0 ++ " " ++
                  disp m 2 3 ++ " " ++
                  disp m 3 2 ++ " " ++
                  disp m 4 4)
              disp m row col  = show (m!!row!!col)
              m = powmat (fst (head (readDec number)))
            _        -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

size = 30

-- ghc is able to optimize out enough invariants so that the
-- traditional form this test runs in O(1)
-- this would have ghc trounce all other entrants, so to get
-- closer to the general meaning of the test, we cascade
-- matrix multiplications. this means the results are, by necessity,
-- different, but involve just as many mmults. i.e for n=1 the results
-- are identical.

powmat n = power n (mmult . transpose $ mkmat size) (mkmat size)
    power n f | n > 0     = f . (power (n-1) f)
              | otherwise = id
    mkmat x    = [[(y-1)*x+1..y*x]| y <- [1..x]]
    mmult a b  = [[dot row col 0 | col <- a]| row <- b]
           dot :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int
           dot (x:xs) (y:ys) z = dot xs ys (z + x*y)
           dot  _      _     z = z 

-- slightly slower transposing mmult in one line:
--  mmult a b  = [[sum$zipWith (*) row col 0 | col <- transpose a]| row <-b]