-- $Id: objinst.gnat,v 1.0 2003/06/11 12:07:00 dada Exp $
-- http://dada.perl.it/shootout/
-- Ada 95 code by C.C.

-- Annotated Ada Reference Manual ISO/IEC 8652:1995: http://www.ada-auth.org/

with Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Characters.Handling, Text_IO, Ada.Tags;

procedure ObjInst is    --  3.451
   pragma Suppress (Discriminant_Check);
   pragma Suppress (Access_Check);
   package CH renames Ada.Characters.Handling;
   use type Ada.Tags.Tag;

   package Toggles is
      type A_Rec is
         tagged record                 --  'tagged' allows fields to be added
            Value       : Boolean := True;
         end record;

      type B_Rec is new A_Rec with
            Flip_Period : Positive := 1;
            Count       : Natural := 0;
         end record;

      type A_Recs_Family_Ptr is access all A_Rec'Class;

      function Activate (X : A_Recs_Family_Ptr) return A_Recs_Family_Ptr;
      pragma Inline (Activate);
   end Toggles;

   package body Toggles is
      function Activate (X : A_Recs_Family_Ptr) return A_Recs_Family_Ptr is
         pragma Suppress (Range_Check);
         pragma Suppress (Tag_Check);
      begin                   --  X is a ptr: no "in out" parms in a function
         if X.all'Tag = A_Rec'Tag then                         --  A_Rec case
            X.all.Value := not X.all.Value;
            declare                       --  Make visible the 2 B_Rec fields
               pragma Suppress (Tag_Check);
               B        : B_Rec renames B_Rec (X.all);
               B.Count := B.Count + 1;
               if B.Count = B.Flip_Period then
                  B.Count := 0;
                  B.Value := not B.Value;
               end if;
         end if;
         return X;
      end Activate;
   end Toggles;

   A        : aliased Toggles.A_Rec;      --  "aliased", since X'Access is used
   B        : aliased Toggles.B_Rec;      --  "access all" above for aliased
   N        : Positive := 1;
   Res      : Boolean;
      N := Positive'Value (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
      when Constraint_Error => null;
   A := Toggles.A_Rec'(Value => True);
   for K in 1 .. 5 loop
      Res := Toggles.Activate (A'Access).Value;
      Text_IO.Put_Line (CH.To_Lower (Boolean'Image (Res)));
   end loop;
   for Iter in 1 .. N loop
      A := Toggles.A_Rec'(Value => True);
   end loop;
   B := Toggles.B_Rec'(Value => True, Flip_Period => 3, Count => 0);
   for K in 1 .. 8 loop
      Res := Toggles.Activate (B'Access).Value;
      Text_IO.Put_Line (CH.To_Lower (Boolean'Image (Res)));
   end loop;
   for Iter in 1 .. N loop
      B := Toggles.B_Rec'(Value => True, Flip_Period => 3, Count => 0);
   end loop;
end ObjInst;