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Borland C++
Tested VersionBorland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32
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(Ranks in Red in the table below are those which fall below the average Rank for this language over all tests.
The corresponding programs could possibly benefit from further optimization.)
Test Source Code Avg Rank: 6 Avg Rank: 7 Avg Rank: 28 Log
CPU Rank Mem Rank LOC Rank
Ackermann's Function ackermann.bcc 0.12 10 608 10 14 27 log
Array Access ary3.bcc 0.07 6 616 7 21 31 log
Count Lines/Words/Chars wc.bcc 0.55 7 564 8 27 24 log
Exception Mechanisms except.bcc 0.12 6 564 6 39 14 log
Fibonacci Numbers fibo.bcc 0.26 10 568 9 15 35 log
Hash (Associative Array) Access hash.bcc 0.52 1 3464 3 20 27 log
Hashes, Part II hash2.bcc 1.57 2 1296 3 28 25 log
Heapsort heapsort.bcc 0.15 7 1192 8 56 27 log
Hello World hello.bcc 1.47 9 564 8 5 34 log
List Operations lists.bcc 0.15 5 804 5 184 33 log
Matrix Multiplication matrix.bcc 0.12 6 576 7 51 31 log
Method Calls methcall.bcc 0.11 10 560 7 72 27 log
Nested Loops nestedloop.bcc 0.10 5 564 8 16 15 log
Object Instantiation objinst.bcc 0.78 11 560 5 76 24 log
Random Number Generator random.bcc 0.12 6 564 7 22 30 log
Reverse a File reversefile.bcc 0.32 3 2680 6 41 35 log
Sieve of Erathostenes sieve.bcc 0.24 6 572 8 25 32 log
Spell Checker spellcheck.bcc 0.94 3 1996 2 49 27 log
Statistical Moments moments.bcc 0.38 2 2020 8 60 20 log
String Concatenation strcat.bcc 0.02 1 964 9 26 35 log
Sum a Column of Integers sumcol.bcc 0.62 5 568 9 13 31 log
Word Frequency Count wordfreq.bcc 0.69 2 1072 3 45 26 log
Tests Not Implemented For This Language:
Echo Client/Server, Regular Expression Matching, Producer/Consumer Threads

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