Computer Language Shootout Scorecard Back to the Win32 Shootout
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This page summarize the benchmark results and measures each language's performance using Doug's CRAPS![TM] system. Please be sure to read carefully Doug's Scorecard page for details about the scoring system and its meaning (or lack thereof :-).

This page shows the only the LOC (Lines Of Code) score achieved by the languages. There are other pages where you can view:

[CPU Time]   [Memory Usage]   [CPU + Memory Usage]   [CPU + Memory Usage + Lines Of Code]  

Also note that the weights used for this scorecard are the default ones provided by Doug. I will eventually add some CGI trickery to recalculate weights and scores on the fly when time permits.

I have also extended a little all this CRAPS! to compare the results between Linux and Win32.

Language Implementation Score Missing Failing Avg.Score
Common Lisp poplisp 464 0 11 33.14
Modula-2 modula2 250 15 2 31.25
Ada gnat 470 8 1 29.38
Nice nice 580 5 0 29.00
VBScript vbscript 365 5 7 28.08
Haskell ghc 402 4 6 26.80
Erlang erlang 373 3 8 26.64
Ruby ruby 532 0 4 25.33
Scheme guile 522 0 4 24.86
Awk gawk 431 6 1 23.94
Forth bigforth 236 9 6 23.60
ICI ici 535 0 2 23.26
Rexx rexx 320 7 4 22.86
PHP php 318 9 2 22.71
Awk awka 431 6 0 22.68
Awk mawk 431 6 0 22.68
Ocaml ocamlb 489 0 3 22.23
Ocaml ocaml 489 0 3 22.23
Python python 518 0 1 21.58
Perl perl 496 0 2 21.57
Perl cygperl 493 0 2 21.43
Icon icon 338 9 0 21.13
Pike pike 504 0 1 21.00
Lua lua5 459 2 1 20.86
Tcl tcl 416 3 2 20.80
Lua lua 443 2 0 19.26
C++ vc++ 304 5 4 19.00
JavaScript jscript 239 10 2 18.38
S-Lang slang 346 6 0 18.21
Forth gforth 367 1 3 17.48
ElastiC elastic 98 16 3 16.33
Java java 402 0 0 16.08
Pliant pliant 317 4 1 15.85
Pascal fpascal 174 8 6 15.82
Delphi delphi 248 7 0 13.78
C vc 298 2 1 13.55
C gcc 307 0 2 13.35
Mercury mercury 213 7 2 13.31
C# csharp 266 4 0 12.67
C mingw32 275 1 2 12.50
C lcc 266 3 0 12.09
C bcc 266 3 0 12.09
Oz oz 202 6 2 11.88
Simula cim 58 20 0 11.60
Pascal vpascal 174 8 0 10.24
Parrot parrot 90 14 1 9.00
Eiffel se 153 5 2 8.50
SML smlnj 141 0 8 8.29
Modula-3 modula3 33 20 0 6.60
REBOL rebol 76 18 7 0.00
Languages that compile to native code are in Bold Italics.

Weights used for the scorecard
Ackermann's Function1 Array Access3
Count Lines/Words/Chars3 Echo Client/Server5
Exception Mechanisms1 Fibonacci Numbers2
Hash (Associative Array) Access1 Hashes, Part II4
Heapsort4 Hello World1
List Operations3 Matrix Multiplication3
Method Calls5 Nested Loops4
Object Instantiation5 Producer/Consumer Threads1
Random Number Generator3 Regular Expression Matching4
Reverse a File4 Sieve of Erathostenes4
Spell Checker4 Statistical Moments2
String Concatenation2 Sum a Column of Integers3
Word Frequency Count5   

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